Open Access &Licensing terms
J-SustaiN is a fully open access journal. All papers are hosted under a CC BY 4.0 licence, and the author retains the copyright on the material.
Plagiarism policy and re-use of previous images
All papers need to present substantial relevant and identifiably new findings. All data and ideas that are presented as new need to be that. Parts of text and images can be reproduced from the authors own previous works, as long as copyright is still owned by the authors and the original sources are referred to adequately and a substantial new and original part is present in the manuscript. If reproducing items by others the authors must have obtained writtern permission for that use.
All papers are checked for plagiarism by the assigned editors and reviewers, and a software-based plagiarism check can be performed additionally. In case of (alleged or proven) copyright breaches or scientific misconduct (e.g. fabricating data), papers can be (temporarily or permanently) removed from the J-SustaiN website bt the editors.