Post by Admin on28-12-2021
International Journal of Sustainable Future for Human Security (J-SustaiN), 2021, 8: 1-46
Regular Issue
- Cover, PDF
- Benjamin C. McLellan, Hatma Suryatmojo, Editorial, pp. 1-2, PDF
- Mustafiz, Shahriar; Akira, Nakayasu; Itabashi, Mamoru; Masuda, Kazuya, Fruit and Vegetable Seed Production and Marketing: Existing Practice and Perception of Vegetbale Seed Farmers and Sellers in Bangladesh, pp. 3-12, PDF
- Swastika, Dewa K.S.; Sayaka, Bambang, Soybean Competitiveness Compared to Other Secondary Crops and Its Prospect to Achieve Self-Sufficiency in Indonesia, pp. 13-19, PDF
- Ye Wei, Visualized Quantitative Research or Marine Pollution in the South China Sea, pp. 20-32, PDF
- Iliopoulus, Nikolaos; Onuki, Motoharu; Nistor, Ioan; Esteban, Miguel, Expert Assessment of Prioritized Determinants For a Smarter Grid Through The Lens of Residential Demand Response: The Case Study of Ontario, Canada, pp. 33-46, PDF
Accepted articles are published online as soon as they have finished undergoing the peer-review process (to ensure they can be read by all as soon as possible. Twice a year, these articles are then grouped into issues.
Although we accept papers at any time, we would like to make prospective authors aware of our tentative cut-off deadlines for submission and target publication dates for regular issues in 2022.
We aim for two standard issues and will also potentially publish additional issues based on special themes or large numbers of submitted papers.
Two standard issues for 2022 (tentative timeline):
Deadline for full manuscript submission for Vol 9, Issue 1 : April, 2022.
Publication: December, 2022.
Download Manuscript Template
Please submit your manuscript to
J-SustaiN reviewing stages and steps are:
- Paper received – checking of (a) format compliance; (b) fit with the overall aims and themes of the journal; (c) English quality; (d) initial conformation with academic standards; (e) plagiarism check;
- If the paper passes all these, it is assigned to a subject editor who will send to review. (this process length varies – minimum 1 month, but in the case of certain subjects it is unavoidably longer)
- Reviewers comments will be sent to the authors with an initial decision – Reject / Minor / Major revisions
- Based on authors response to review and editing of paper, a final decision will be made (or there may be a repeat of 2 and 3)
We are looking forward to receiving your manuscript.
Sincerely yours,
Chief Editors,
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Craig McLellan (Kyoto University, Japan)
Dr. Hatma Suryatmojo (Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia)